Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Decree A Thing

Job 22:28 says, "Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy way." What a powerful verse. It reminds me of Paul writing about Abraham in Romans 4 where he says of God that he calls those things that be not as though they were. The very strong implication is that Abraham, like God, called those things that be not as though they were. At any rate, his faith was such that he called the plan of God into existence.

My sister-in-law's worship minister and his wife have just had twins born at 27 weeks (3 months early). They are very small and one has some complications, or rather a situation that could result in complications. They don't have any hope from the doctors. (Thank God that hope springs eternal from our loving heavenly father!) You should read his blog here. And from there, read the later updates. Here is a young man and his wife who have decreed a thing -- a big thing! (As a grandfather of 3 healthy preemies (one with a type 4 brain bleed), I am decreeing with him!)

One can be a beggar when it comes to needing from God. Or he can search the scripture to find what God says about his situation, then begin to "decree" the word of God. To decree a thing may be new to you, but it would be worth your while to check it out. Sometimes we pray about things that God has already established, when instead we need to decree those things in our lives; cf. healing, prosperity, joy, authority, etc.

So check out the Word of God, and begin to decree. Satan really doesn't want you to, and God does. Hmmm.......

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