Once again, I have published a new book. This one is a compilation of sermons that I preach throughout South Africa, especially when conducting conferences on the subject: Empowered to Serve. I have dedicated the book to my spiritual son, Jackie (Oeloff Jacob) Badenhorst, who presently lives in Bethlehem, Free State, South Africa.
You can find the book on Amazon.com, both print, and Kindle (for your phones and tablets). It is a companion book to my first book, Victory Ground. Outside the US, it would probably be better to download the Kindle version to your Kindle app (a free app). Here are the URLs for both books should you choose to read either one or both. I really think you would enjoy the books, and they are quite inexpensive as a Kindle version.
Victor Ground: https://www.amazon.com/Victory-Ground-Gary-Gilmore-ebook/dp/B07KY24KQB/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1549117644&sr=8-11&keywords=books+by+Gary+Gilmore
Empowered to Serve: https://www.amazon.com/Empowered-Serve-Gary-Gilmore-ebook/dp/B07LCWRQ3V/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1549117644&sr=8-7&keywords=books+by+Gary+Gilmore
Sorry for the sales pitch. I really don't care about the money, I just want to bless anyone with the things the Lord has given me to say.
If you enjoy the books, it would be so nice for you to leave a review/comment on the Amazon.com site. Thanks.
Happy reading.